PA DEP to Hold Virtual Public Hearing for PUBLIC COMMENTS on Permits for PennEast Phase 1 in PA, January 13, 2021 from 6 – 9 pm. Individuals who wish to observe or present testimony at the formal virtual public hearing must contact Colleen Connolly at 570-826-2035 or, a minimum of 24 hours in advance of the hearing to reserve time to present testimony. Written comments will be accepted until January 20 @ address in Bulletin below. Full Statement from PADEP Bulletin here:
Regional Permit Coordination Office: 400 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101.
PennEast Pipeline Company, LLC, PennEast Pipeline Project—Phase 1, Permit No. E40-780, E13-185, E48-435, ESG02000160001, various municipalities, Luzerne, Carbon, Monroe, and Northampton Counties.
The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) Regional Permit Coordination Office (RPCO) has received a request for a formal public hearing concerning the above referenced Ch. 102 (Erosion Control) and Ch. 105 (Dam Safety and Waterway Management) permit applications for the PennEast Pipeline Project. In accordance with Governor Tom Wolf ‘s emergency disaster declaration and advice from the PA Department of Health regarding the mitigation of the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), DEP has scheduled a virtual formal public hearing for Wednesday, January 13, 2021 to begin at 6:00 PM. The hearing will end at 9:00 PM or earlier if no additional commenters are present. During this time, DEP will receive comments concerning the permit applications covering Phase 1 only. A separate public hearing will be scheduled for Phase 2 at a future date for portions of the project extending between Northampton and Bucks Counties.
Individuals who wish to observe or present testimony at the formal virtual public hearing must contact Colleen Connolly at 570-826-2035 or, a minimum of 24 hours in advance of the hearing to reserve time to present testimony. The WebEx information for the virtual public hearing will be available through the Public Participation tab on DEP’s website at (select ”Public Participation”). All comments, whether delivered orally during the virtual hearing or submitted in writing to carry equal weight and consideration with DEP. Written comments will be accepted until close of business on January 20, 2021.
Verbal testimony is limited to 3 minutes for each witness. Video demonstrations and screen sharing by witnesses will not be permitted. DEP asks that each organization designate one speaker per group and reminds those presenting that time may not be shared or relinquished to others. More information on DEP virtual hearings may be found on DEP’s Public Participation page, at (select ”Public Participation”).
[Pa.B. Doc. No. 20-1745. Filed for public inspection December 11, 2020, 9:00 a.m.]